Only 4 more days until the Cookout. We are up to 155 signups: is not too late to get signed up and come join us for an afternoon of Mitsu fun. The All Mitsu Cookout is coming up this Sunday, the 23rd. We have some great prizes donated by Advance Auto Parts and White Bear Mitsu. We also will have plenty of food, and some fun stuff like the Mitsu trivia contest and the Slow Drags.
Here are some reminders:
1) Sign-up online. The page is at: Fill out your car sign ahead of time. It saves a lot of time in the registration line. Download the sign at: my example sign can be found here: Bring some lawn chairs for hanging out and bring your appetite! We'll have plenty of food.
Also, if you are just coming to spectate, spectator cars (non Mitsus) will have parking lot next to the main lot.
Its only $5 for you and your car to be in the show and eat. Why not make the trip out to Ramsey Central Park!